The International Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ICIME)
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The International Conference on IS Management and Evaluation (ICIME) provides a forum for both researchers and practitioners to come together to develop their understanding of both theory and practice in all aspects of IT/IS management and evaluation. The wide scope of ICIME reflects the increased use of technology to manage information in and between organizations of all types and sizes across the globe in the age of big data. ICIME 2015 will provide opportunities for people working and researching in the field to come together both formally and informally to share their knowledge and expertise. The conference is jointly sponsored by Academic Conference & Publishing International (ACPI), Xi嚙踝蕭an University of Technology and International Chinese Information Systems Association (ICISA).
Competitive papers/abstracts are invited in, but not limited to, the topic areas
listed below:
IT and Information Evaluation
Information auditing
Knowledge management
Big data & analytics
Big data infrastructure
Information Engineering
System engineering
ICT implementation in SMEs
Diffusion and adoption of new information technologies