15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011)
Brisbane, Australia, July 7-11, 2011
Track: Information System Control and IT Governance
She-I Chang ([email protected]),?National?Chung Cheng University
Shin-Yuan Hung ([email protected]), National Chung Cheng University
The trends of rapid adoption of the Internet, the globalization of Information System Control and IT Governance, and the implementation of IFRS in the business industry have brought about changes and challenges in the conduct of business. Enterprises certainly have to take steps as earlier as possible to avoid marginalization. On the other hand, IS Auditing and Assurance, IT Risk Management, Fraud Detection, Forensic Accounting�K all of which have attracted much awareness in many countries, have become the key management topics for a wide range of businesses and organizations in the area of Pacific. Governments and corporations within this area are still seeking for solutions to these issues and challenges, in light of the recent economic recession and world job losses caused by recent global financial crisis.
Therefore, the objective is to bring together researchers from cross disciplines related to Information System Control and IT Governance and to intensify the exchange between the various perspectives on research at the intersection of these areas. The track will cover a wide range of topics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
�E Contemporary Issues in Information System Control and IT Governance
�E Information System Assurance, Audit, Control, and Financial Reporting
�E Information Evaluation, IS Assessment, IT Business Value, IS Costs & Benefits
�E IS Investment and Enterprise Performance
�E Fraud Detection and Forensic Accounting
�E IT Risk Management
�E Security Management (such as ISO27001) for Information Systems
�E IT Governance and IT Compliance
�E Emerging Technology Issues in Information System Control and IT Governance
�E Accounting Information Systems and Business Process Management
�E Application of Information System Control and IT Governance
Insightful, coherent and methodically sound studies of any type (construction-oriented research, design science research, case study-based research, action research, survey studies, archival analysis, experimental research, theory development, etc.) are equally encouraged. Completed research and research-in-progress papers will be accepted. The review process will be double-blind by at least two anonymous referees.
Mar 7, 2011: Full paper submission deadline
Apr 29, 2011: Authors notified of paper acceptance decision
May 19, 2011: Camera-ready papers due