Western Decision Sciences Institute (WDSI) Call for Papers 2015
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Competitive papers are invited in, but not limited to, the topic areas listed. No author information should be included with the paper that is submitted. Qualified individuals will referee papers submitted through a double blind peer review process.
In addition, we welcome the submission of one-page single-spaced research abstracts (about 900 words), which will not be subject to blind review. Acceptance of abstracts and papers are subject to final approval by the Track Chairs/Program Chair. Accepted papers and abstracts of authors who have registered for the conference will be published in the Proceedings
(available in CD-ROM format only) and scheduled for presentation at the annual meeting. Paper submission acknowledges that the author(s) will register for and attend the conference and personally present the accepted paper at the time specified in the conference program.
Publication in the program Proceedings of multiple papers by the same author will be subject to extra page charges. Copyright of the papers stay with the author(s).
All complete papers will be considered for the Alpha Iota Delta, the Decision Sciences and Information Systems Honor Society, Best Paper Awards in the following categories:
Best Application Paper
Best Case Studies Paper
Best Environmental Issues Paper
Best Interdisciplinary Paper
Best Theoretical/Empirical Research Paper
In addition, awards will be given for the best undergraduate student paper and the best graduate student paper. All awards will be presented at the conference luncheon. Proposals for cases, workshops, symposia, colloquia, panels, tutorials on current topics of interest, and other special sessions, are also invited in all Tracks. Please contact the Program Chair
or the appropriate Track Chair to indicate your interest in a topic area.
All manuscripts and proposals for the WDSI 2015 Annual Meeting must be submitted electronically. To submit your paper, please go to the WDSI home page (www.wdsinet.org) and click on the Online Submission link. Follow the directions provided there to enter your paper and author information and upload your document. Note: The submission site will be activated on June 16, 2014, with a submission
deadline of October 1, 2014. Authors will be notified of manuscript acceptance/rejection by December 15, 2014. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings only if at least one author is registered for the conference by the deadline for proceedings submissions, January15, 2015.