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    Title : Call For Papers AMCIS 2013
    Author : Administrator
    Post Date : 01/29/2013
    File : x  
    Content :

    We invite the submission of completed research, research-in-progress, and panels to the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), which will be held August 15-17, 2013 in Chicago. AMCIS 2013 brings together academics and industry professionals around the world to exchange knowledge related to the AMCIS 2013 theme,

    Hyperconnected World: Anything Anywhere Anytime.
    Submit your research to by February 22, 2013 at 11:59 CST to be considered for the conference program.

    Completed research will be presented in general sessions. Each general session consists of 3 or 4 competitive papers accepted through the review process. The papers are presented in a standard format of presentation by an author and general audience discussion. Regular sessions are managed by session chairs. Each session (meeting room) is set up with presentation equipment (i.e., overhead projectors and screens)Completed research and research-in-progress are welcome and will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind system. Both completed research and research-in-progress papers that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings.

    Research-in-progress research will be presented in roundtable topic sessions. Each roundtable consists of several research-in-progress papers accepted through the review process. The papers are presented by authors and interested participants will gather to share ideas and discuss topics of mutual interest, such as research in a specific area. Roundtable topic sessions are managed by session chairs. These sessions will be conducted without LCD and overhead projectors, and are more informal to allow for maximum interaction and discussion.

    Panels provide an opportunity for a group of researchers to explore a topic or focus of interest in a panel format, typically involving a panel moderator (who poses several questions related to the topic) and three to four expert contributors with alternative views or perspectives on the topic. Depending upon the topic, the experts can be drawn from the academy and/or from industry. Of particular interest are panel submissions that are related to the conference theme, although panel proposals on other relevant topics are also welcome.

    please click the link for futher detail.

    please click the link for futher detail.