European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) - Beyond Digitization
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Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change
ECIS 2018 will take place in Portsmouth, UK, at the University of Portsmouth, where it is hosted by the Systems and Information Systems Research Group in the School of Computing.
The theme of the conference: "Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change" reflects that information systems (IS) consist of both human and technical aspects. The development of the IS discipline since the 1960's has been characterised by efforts to achieve a forward trajectory from a software-centred focus towards a human-centred focus. This is reflected in the agendas of many of the original socio-technical movements, and underpins the recent resurgence in interest in socio-technical ideas.
The foundation of the IS discipline (in the late Sixties) is built on the proposition that any artefact on which we turn an IS lens cannot be seen as hardware, software or human-based in isolation. This is still true in an increasingly digital world. We, in the IS discipline, are constantly faced with the reality that we engage and pursue an agenda to facilitate change, or redevelopment of organized human activities. The digital world has and is resulting in fundamental changes throughout society affecting organisations and human endeavour. The socio-technical theme provides a base to make sense of IS within the digitized world.
We invite you to participate in the AIS conference ECIS 2018, taking place in the historic naval city of Portsmouth.
Peter Bednar, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Karlheinz Kautz, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia