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  Annual Recognition
  • 2009
    Dr. Ting-Peng Liang
  • 2010
    Dr. Eldon Y. Li
  • 2011
    Dr. Eric Wang






    Since 2009
    at Chia-Yi , Taiwan


    Title : HICSS-51 Program
    Author : Administrator
    Post Date : 8/24/2017
    File : X
    Content : Welcome to the HICSS research community. HICSS - The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - has been known worldwide as one of the longest standing scientific communities in the information systems and technology fields. Since 1968, it has become a respected destination that attracts high-caliber scholars and professionals in academia, industry and government agencies around the world to discuss their cutting-edge research.

    With a highly interactive working environment, HICSS offers a unique platform for participants to share and exchange perspectives and ideas. HICSS is now accepting submissions to be considered for HICSS-51. Accepted papers will be presented at our upcoming conference to be held at Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii on January 3-6, 2018.

    HICSS-51 also features:

  • 2 Keynote addresses that will help shape our future research agenda
  • 32 Symposia, Workshops, and Tutorials to be held on Jan 3
  • Paper presentations in 139 scientific minitracks led by 349 minitrack chairs
  • Fast track opportunities to journal publications for selected high-quality HICSS-51 papers
  • Pre-conference Doctoral Fellow Program and Doctoral Consortium
  • Award Ceremony for Best Research Papers and Best Student Papers offered by ISSP-IBM-CBA

  • For more information about HICSS, please click the link for futher detail.