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    Title : The First ICEB Journal Author Workshop - Call for Papers
    Author : Administrator
    Post Date : 08/02/2013
    File : x  
    Content :

    International Consortium on Electronic Business (ICEB) will hold a joint journal workshop during its annual conference (see especially designed to assist authors who plan to submit their work to its special issues of International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC) and International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB). This is a workshop where selected editors and authors of the two journals are congregating and mingling in one place. The purpose is to help prospective authors improve the quality of their papers for submissions to these journal special issues.

    Selected papers will be accepted into a round-table discussion. Each table contains 1-2 journal editors serving as the mentors and 3-5 prospective journal authors. The discussion for each paper will last for 30 minutes and focus on how to improve the paper for journal submission. Each author can only represent one paper in this workshop and is obliged to stay on the same table to give feedback to other authors. To facilitate discussion, all editors and authors must read the papers on the same table before the workshop. The total number of papers is limited to 30.

    The workshop welcomes authors to submit full papers for consideration. Full papers submitted to ICEB 2013 will be considered automatically. Full papers presented in other conferences are welcome as well.

    AUG 5 MON Papers/Abstracts submission closed
    AUG 15 Authors receive acceptance letters
    AUG 18 Authors pay conference registration fee
    AUG 19 MON Authors receive final schedule
    DEC 04 WED Workshop commenced at 8:00am

    Workshop Fee: US$50 (includes coffee break and lunch).
    Conference Fee: This fee is required; please see conference website for details.
    Venue: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

    Workshop Schedule: DEC 4, Wednesday
    8:00 - 8:20 a.m. --- Registration and coffee reception
    8:20 - 8:30 a.m. --- Introduction to the Workshop
    8:30 - 10:00 a.m. --- Round-table discussion
    10:00 - 10:20 a.m. --- Coffee break
    10:20 - 11:50 a.m. --- Round-table discussion
    11:50 - 12:00 p.m. --- Concluding remarks
    12:00 - 1:30 p.m. --- Lunch

    Deadline for submission is Monday, AUG 5, 2013. Papers in full length should be submitted in English with Word or Adobe PDF format via Please submit to the category of "ICEB Journals Joint Author Workshop."

    An accepted Workshop paper must have at least one author pay ICEB 2013 registration fee and workshop fee. Each paper must clearly identify the author(s) who will attend the workshop. Up to two authors from each paper can attend the workshop, but both must pay the conference fees and the workshop fees.

    Each accepted paper will receive an acceptance letter from the workshop coordinator indicating the paper's title and author name(s). After the conference, the participating authors will receive an electronic Certificate of Completion. For copyright concern in subsequent journal submission, each accepted paper can only publish a one-page abstract in the workshop section of the conference proceedings. Papers or abstracts which will be published by the regular sections of ICEB proceedings will not appear in the workshop section again. The Workshop session information containing paper titles and author name(s) will be published in the program book.

    please click the link for futher detail.