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    Title : 2010 AIS Council Election Results
    Author : Administrator
    Post Date : 05/02/2010
    File : x  
    Content :

    Dear AIS members: 

    The 2010 voting is now complete and it is my pleasure to announce the results of the AIS elections. The following candidates have been elected and will take office on July 1, 2010: 

    President-Elect (Region 2) 
    Dov Te’eni, University of Tel Aviv, with 302 votes 
    (Carina de Villiers, University of Pretoria, with 158 votes, and Hatem Elgohary, of Birmingham City Business School, with 63 votes, were the runner ups.) 

    VP of Communications
    Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University, with 348 votes 
    (Amrit Tiwana, Iowa State University, was the runner up with 165 votes.) 

    VP of SIGS and Chapters
    Julie Kendall, Rutgers University, with 287 votes 
    (Debra Howcroft, Manchester University, was the runner up with 208 votes.) 

    VP of Publications
    Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University, with 359 votes
    (Nicholas Romano, Oklahoma State University, was the runner up with 167 votes.)

    Region 1 Representative (the Americas) 
    Andrew Burtin-Jones, University of British Columbia, with 145 votes 
    (Jeff Parsons, Memorial University, was the runner up with 101 votes.) 

    Region 2 Representative (Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) 
    Nancy Pouloudi , Athens University of Economics and Business, with 135 votes 
    (Gabriele Piccoli, Grenoble Ecole de Management, was the runner up with 42 votes.) 

    Region 3 Representative (Asia and the Pacific) 
    Eric Wang, National Central University, with 64 votes 
    (Jae-Nam Lee, Korea University, was the runner up with 44 votes.)

    We extend sincere thanks to the Nominating Committee, to all those who stood for election, and to the membership for their participation in the 2010 AIS elections. Congratulations to the new office holders! 

    With best regards, 

    Jane Fedorowicz
    Bentley University
    AIS Secretary